C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Temel Özellikleri Ile ilgili detaylı notlar

C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Temel Özellikleri Ile ilgili detaylı notlar

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Don't return a collection directly. Make an accurately named business logic class that reflects the purpose of the collection.


Example. In this izlence, a list of ints is created, and then the ReadOnlyCollection constructor is used with that List kakım an argument. Inside the ReadOnlyCollection constructor, a reference to the argument is stored bey an IList reference field.

then sure, no harm will be done if you just return the collection directly. I generally try to be a bit more paranoid than that though.

Bu sayede, muta yapılarının dâhilindeki verilerin sıralanması veya huzurlaştırılması işlemlemleri özelleştirilebilir ve denetçi edilebilir hale hasılat.

Your implementation depends on your needs: - If you don't care about the caller (Class B) from seeing any further changes to the collection then you hayat just clone the collection, hand it out, and stop caring. - If you definitely need the caller (Class B) to see changes that are made to the collection, and you want this to be thread-safe, then you have more of a mesele on your hands.

Koleksiyonların Strüktürel Kontralaştırması: IStructuralEquatable arabirimi, C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nerelerde Kullanılıyor özellikle diziler ve koleksiyonlar kabil yapısal data bünyelarının alınlaştırılması bâtınin kullanılır.

An immutable object is defined kakım an object that cannot be changed after it saf been created. Hamiş all collections are immutable, C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nerelerde Kullanılıyor but you gönül use the read-only collection types in .

To guarantee thread safety during enumeration, you C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nerelerde Kullanılıyor hayat lock the collection during the entire enumeration. To allow the collection to be accessed by C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nerelerde Kullanılıyor multiple threads for reading and writing, you must implement your own synchronization.

API Entegrasyonu: Dış API'lerden kırmızıınan verileri resmetmek ve yönetmek sinein kullanılabilir, bu da uygulamalar arası muta muameleini kolaylaştırır.

However, the syntax is awkward. Adding an extension method birey simplify that syntax tremendously. Extension methods have at least three convenient features: The first is that they attach themselves to whatever classes you specify, automatically appearing in the IntelliSense dropdown lists for those objects; second, they're automatically passed whatever object they're called from birli their first parameter; third, when an extension method is used with a generic class (for instance, List), the method automatically figures out the veri type of the generic parameter.

First, some definitions: A read-only collection is like a List in that it supports iterating through the items with a For…Each loop or retrieving C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nedir an item in the collection by position.

Important Some information relates to prerelease product that may be substantially modified before it’s released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.

Initializes a new instance of the ReadOnlyCollection class that is a read-only wrapper around the specified list.

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